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Surreal scene:

Six a.m., you’re on the highway in a traffic jam.  The sky is getting light, but the clouds are still that pink-gold dawn color.  There’s nothing interesting to look at along the highway, and the car is moving at 15 km/hr.
All of a sudden, the edge of the highway opens into a field.  First glance: cows.  Double take: cows grazing under tall, tall palm trees, with a little dawn-time fog still hovering in the air, and pinkish-gold clouds behind the palms.

That’s an image I will never forget.  Too bad I’m not a painter.


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Header image from Getty Images. "Swimming The World." Hulton Archive/Stringer. Ca. 1935. http://www.life.com/gallery/53901/image/3226684/old-mexico-vintage-photos